Tag Archives: Hacking

Grim Dawn File Archive / Database Extractors

I’ve recently bought Grim Dawn after wanting an offline ARPG to play while my internet is utter shit or offline. I stumbled across Grim Dawn by accident doing some Google searches looking for something that has a similar Diablo feel to it. GD happens to be by the makers of Titan Quest, which I did enjoy somewhat when I was younger, however I never really got too in depth with playing it. But from the look of the game having that Diablo 2 look and feel, I wanted to give it a try.

Fast forward to now, I’ve been personally interested in the game data files to see how things are stored, what is where, and so on as a local lookup for information about the game, such as where monsters spawn, what they drop, and such. Which lead to the creation of the two following tools.

grimarc – Grim Dawn Archive File Extractor (.arc)
This is a simple tool to extract the .arc archive files for Grim Dawn.

grimarz – Grim Dawn Database File Extractor (.arz)
This is a simple tool to extract the .arz database files for Grim Dawn.

At this time, these tools are simply for static analysis locally, they do not offer any ability to edit, read, modify or repackage the files they have since extracted. My interest is simply in seeing the content of the files, not to modify them.